Monday, July 12, 2010

How to Store & Preserve Blood in a Laboratory Refrigerator?

Submitted By: Dr Bob Sandor
(Medical Business)
Blood banks across the world have the not so envious task of maintaining blood types for various needs. Besides hospitals, several organizations specialize in blood donation drives and then proceed to preserve them for use in the near future. The right means of preservation is absolutely essential in order to prevent any untoward reactions in the patients it is being administered to. After the process of collection is done, it is the right

means of laboratory refrigeration that plays an important role in preserving the quality of the blood.

Blood is drawn in pints from individuals. If not used immediately, they are then broken down into various components like red blood cells, plasma, platelets etc. This is done through the process of centrifugation. The benefit here is that each of these components can be used to cater to the needs of several different patients. This makes the donation of blood more worthwhile.

Blood that needs to be stored in a laboratory refrigerator has to be done so at just the right temperature. The refrigerator must be checked for any deficiencies before the blood is put into it. There should also be an alarm system in place that will alert laboratory staff should there be even a slight change in temperature. Ignoring this could result in loss of viability of the blood deposit. There should be a single person appointed to maintain the blood donation storage refrigerator.

Temperature control is of vital importance and there should be round the clock temperature checks. A temperature chart has to be maintained and this has to be placed in plain sight on the door of the fridge. Good thermometers need to be placed in the laboratory refrigerator for this. A smart idea would be to use maximum and minimum thermometers. This way you can judge the fluctuations in temperature.

Domestic refrigerators are not recommended for storage of blood. But in the dire case that they are, the donated blood has to be kept away from the freezer compartment of the fridge as well as from the front door. These are two areas where there is a maximum of temperature change and this can affect the quality of the blood. In a domestic refrigerator, temperatures have to be constantly checked and maintained. This is done by adjusting the temperature knob on the inside.

Another aspect that needs looking into when it comes to safe preservation of blood is the blood bags that are used for collections. Blood donations are taken in sterile bags. These bags have to be sent periodically for quality control. The possibility of bacterial growth will be eliminated here. The sterility of the blood is also taken care of.

Certain other pointers to keep in mind are that the laboratory fridges should not be moved around. A designated spot should be settled on. Blood is preserved with certain reagents which also require refrigeration. Under no circumstances should they be placed in the same refrigerator. Provisions also have to be made for alternate power supply. Everyone concerned with the blood bank unit has to be aware of the protocol involved in case of a power failure. Besides the incorporation of an alarm system it is also necessary to have people manning the alarm at all times.

The demand for donated blood is constantly on the increase. The proper preservation of blood is therefore essential to making every pint of donated blood count.

READ MORE - How to Store & Preserve Blood in a Laboratory Refrigerator?

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry

Submitted By: Phill Monroe
(Medical Business)
Altering ones appearance is not new to anyone anymore. Media and technology has heightened the curiosity and awareness of the public, thus increasing their demands and desires to aesthetically pleasing results when it comes to teeth. A healthy, glowing and vibrant smile is now a growing demand and desire for most people. Cosmetic Dentistry aims to leave a significant impact

when it comes to improving ones appearance of a person’s teeth.

Minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry aims to preserve healthy tooth structure. Such tooth modalities focuses on the minimal intervention, reminiralisation and prevention of teeth by the use of scientific advancement where the dentist can perform the least amount of tooth structure removal and be able to restore teeth to its normal condition.
How does Minimal Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry work?

Cosmetic Dentists are more trained in providing great work and service to their patients. They are considered experienced and trained when it comes to teeth reconstruction, making crooked teeth turn into straight and aligned teeth without the hassle of getting to wear braces for a long time, say two or more years. People sometimes ask for the option of shorter treatment because they would not want the hassle of wearing braces for a very long time.

To improve the appearance of the person, there are now a number of procedures done by your friendly cosmetic dentists. There are new methods giving you the gorgeous and celebrity looking teeth you have always been dreaming of. Now, with minimal invasive dentistry, teeth can now be restored and maintained at the most basic level of dental practice which means giving you a better and beautiful smile without the hassle of grinding and drilling too much and where dental costs are much more affordable.

Less timely visits, less pain and lowered costs from your cosmetic dentist are such music to ones ears. Dental treatments are now becoming less invasive and follow such principles of the minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry core such as improving smile defects, maintaining good oral health function and aesthetics, using the best dental materials and equipments there is, and lastly encouraging the patient to keep in touch with their dentists making them go back and maintain a healthy relationship with their dentists.

Here are some dental treatments provided by cosmetic dentists giving you the confidence of a healthy smile and aesthetically pleasing results.

Teeth Whitening – this is considered to be one of the most commonly done by cosmetic dentists. Turning your teeth from yellow to bright whitely pearls. This improves the discolouration of teeth for just about 90 minutes.

Replacement of a Tooth Filling – Amalgam and gold fillings are now replaced with a tooth colored filling or white filling which will closely match the colour of ones teeth. People nowadays are getting conscious with the colour of their fillings wanting the old silver or gold colour replaced so it would be much aesthetically pleasing.

Porcelain Veneers – This procedure is done by a cosmetic dentist and with today’s technology and further training of the dentist, he/she would be able to improve one’s profile and smile of a patient, making a tooth straight and changing the colour. Minimal invasive cosmetic dentistry is applied into this practice where discoloured tooth can now be improved and ones profile will improve because of this procedure.

Tooth Bonding – This is a process where cases like crooked teeth, teeth with discolourations and gaps can be corrected. The process is done by preparing a tooth and a thin layer of restorative material is placed on the front portion of the teeth using a high intensity light.
READ MORE - Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Osteopaths and the Profession's Different Requirements

Submitted By: Laura Stephens
(Medical Business)

Osteopaths have revolutionised Western medicine by enhancing the health of patients without using surgery or drugs.(Medical Business) These doctors focus on strengthening the musculoskeletal framework of people.(Medical Business) In dong so, they make the lymphatic, nervous and circulatory systems become stronger.

This branch of medicine can be very rewarding and lucrative. But you need to have the personality and perseverance for it. If you are thinking of going into Osteopathy, consider the following requirements below.(Medical Business) This list can help you check if this is the career path you can take.(Medical Business)
READ MORE - Osteopaths and the Profession's Different Requirements